


















       守护者Guardian (天蜘蛛)















       科技球:Science Vessel


       High Templar:高级圣殿武士



       隐刀:Dark Templar


       黑暗执政官:Dark Archon









       Terran SCV:太空工程车 Marine:枪兵 Friebat:火兵 Medic:护士 Ghost:特种兵 Vulture:秃鹫战车 Sige Tank:坦克 Goliath:机器人 Wraith:隐形飞机 Dropship:运输船 Science Vessel:科学球 Valkyrie:瓦格雷 Battlecruiser:大和舰 Zerg Drone:工蜂 Zerglings:小狗 Overload:领主 Hydralisk:口水龙 Lunker:潜伏者 Mutalisk:飞龙 Grardian:守护者 Devonrer:吞噬者 Scourge:自杀机 Queen:女皇 Broodling:寄生虫 Defile:蝎子 Infested Terran:自爆兵 Ultralisk:猛犸 Protoss Probe:探测者 Zealot:叉叉兵 Dragoon:龙骑士 High Templar:高级圣堂武士 Dark Pemplar:黑暗圣堂武士 Dark Archon:黑暗执政官 Archon:光明执政官 Reaver:金甲虫 Scout:童子军 Shuttle:运输机 Observer:叮当 Corsair:海盗船 Carrier:航母 Arbiter:仲裁者 Interceptor:拦截机 给分啊!!我写的好辛苦啊!!!


       航天飞机(Space Shuttle,又称为太空梭或太空穿梭机)是可重复使用的、往返于太空和地面之间的航天器,结合了飞机与航天器的性质。




       外文名:Space Shuttle





       These butterflies most is to belong to a race, their wings on the back of peak green, it is also the beautiful decorative pattern, this makes them in to stop motionless as if they were in the grass green, their wings as positive is golden brown, this makes them in flapping wings when the but again like a blossoming golden floret, in their dense team among, sometimes flying a few big black body with the big red ribbon FenDie, asing if is intentionally to as an ornament.


       The butterfly wings body sparkling, there are two small circle. Red, yellow, green, purple and dark color proportioned to award the wings, like a colorful flowers.


       Swarms of butterfly together when when scattered, colorful wings in sunshine backdrop silks and satins as extremely beautiful.


       This bizarre butterfly, when seen from afar like hangs on a tree leaves, if you stretch hand to pick the leaf, it flew.


       Flowers have several with only purple butterfly, while the big spots pian-pian floating in the sky for a while, then perked up its wings fell on the flowers, absolutely cannot distinguish is butterfly became flowers compose the branches, or flower brought forth wings flew.


       Butterfly mouth very chic also like clocks and watches, at ordinary times the wind rolled, want to straighten -though plugged into flower heart tiime go inside the juices.


       Two butterfly with black spots white , upside-down, blinked her wings, like two flower lovely small white flowers.


       Exquisite of simple but elegant Helena, double into sorry to between the flower lightsome fly chase, tail long as ribbons, jade, dance is really beautiful flap is parlous handsome.


       Butterfly rest on one clump wild flowers, two spots from the wings with flaps, that such as nets aureate choroid gleaming, that pair shallow blue pard, slender like brocade.


       In the garden, flower nursery, swarms of butterfly, like from the air and down the colors of the prayer-book like, with wind, and the breeze.


       Colorful butterfly,Attitude is lightsome,In the delicate and charming flowers shuttle exchanges,butterflies are in an endless stream,the early autumn hill is ornament more enchanting, beautiful by butterflies.

        Today I saw a butterfly,今天我见到一只蝴蝶,

        as it floated in the air;当它漂浮在空中时,

        Its wings were spread in splendor,它的翅膀奢华的伸展,

        Unaware that I was there.不知道我就在这儿。

        It was such a thing of beauty,它是一件很美妙的事物,

        It was a sight to see.它是一道悦目的风景。







       n. 公共汽车;总线

       v. (在餐厅里)收(盘子),清理(桌子);用校车送(学生往返于城市和郊区,使不同种族的学生一起受教育);用公共汽车运送


       现在分词:busing 或 bussing

       过去式:bused 或 bussed

       过去分词:bused 或 bussed


       1. city bus 城市公共汽车

       2. school bus 校车

       3. bus stop 公交车站

       4. bus line 公交线路

       5. double-decker bus 双层公共汽车

       6. shuttle bus 班车


       1. The bus is late.


       2. She is waiting for the bus.


       3. This is a double-decker bus.


       4. We took the city bus to the museum.


       5. The school bus picks up students every morning.


       6. The busboy is busing the tables.



       1. "Bus" 是一个名词,通常用来指公共汽车。例如:"The bus is coming." (公共汽车来了。)

       2. "Bus" 还可以表示计算机硬件的“总线”。例如:"The data is transmitted via the bus." (数据通过总线传输。)

       3. "Bus" 还可以作为动词,表示在餐厅中清理桌子,收拾餐具,或者用公共汽车或校车运送人。例如:"He is bussing tables at the restaurant." (他在餐厅收拾桌子。) "The school is busing students to the suburbs." (学校正在用校车将学生送到郊区。)

       4. "Bus" 的过去式和过去分词形式可以是 "bused" 或 "bussed",现在分词形式是 "busing" 或 "bussing"。例如:"The restaurant bussed the dishes quickly." (餐厅迅速收拾了餐具。)

       5. "Bus" 可以和其他词语搭配,形成各种表达,例如 "city bus" (城市公交车),"school bus" (校车),"bus stop" (公交车站),"bus line" (公交线路)等。例如:"She is waiting at the bus stop." (她在公交车站等车。)

       6. 有一些特殊类型的公共汽车,如 "double-decker bus" (双层公交车),"shuttle bus" (班车)等。例如:"The double-decker bus is very popular in London." (双层公交车在伦敦非常流行。)











       守护者Guardian (天蜘蛛)















       科技球:Science Vessel


       High Templar:高级圣殿武士



       隐刀:Dark Templar


       黑暗执政官:Dark Archon







