airline pilot_airline pilot翻译

       airline pilot的今日更新是一个不断发展的过程,它反映了人们对生活品质的不断追求。今天,我将和大家探讨关于airline pilot的今日更新,让我们一起感受它带来的高品质生活。


2.the use of body language on cross-cultural communication

3.英汉互译。 1. 电脑程序师2. computer science3. airline pilot4. 时装表演会5. 兼职的6.&nbsp...


airline pilot_airline pilot翻译



       1、要进国内的民航公司需要commercial airline的执照;要进入美国的民航需要美国国籍,没有美国国籍很难;




       飞行驾照按照持有者的Privilege分为:Student Pilot, Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot,

       Private Pilot, Commercial Pilot和Airline Transport Pilot。只有Commercial

       Pilot和Airline Transport Pilot允许以飞行为赚钱手段,其他人最多也只允许叫乘客均摊飞行费用。

the use of body language on cross-cultural communication



       飞行驾照按照持有者的Privilege分为:Student Pilot, Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot,

       Private Pilot, Commercial Pilot和Airline Transport Pilot。只有Commercial

       Pilot和Airline Transport Pilot允许以飞行为赚钱手段,其他人最多也只允许叫乘客均摊飞行费用。

       在美国所有的飞行器可以归类到以下几个Category:Airplane, Rotorcraft, Glider, Lighter than air, Powered lift, Powered parachute, Weight-shift-control。


       个Category下面还有进一步细分的class,比如说Airplane下面分为ASEL(Airplane Single Engine

       Land), AMEL(Airplane Multi Engine Land), ASES(Airplane Single Engine

       Sea), AMES(Airplane Multi Engine

       Sea);Rotorcraft下面分为Helicopter和Gyroplane, 等等。在通过考试以后,在FAA颁发的飞行执照上会标明具体这个飞行员允许操作哪一个class的飞行器。

       在class下面其实还有进一步的细分,不过这个通常不显示在飞行执照上(除非是type rating,重量12500lb以上的飞机每一个型号都需要一个type rating才能操作, 但私人飞行员飞小飞机一般不涉及这个问题),而是以Instructor的endorsement的形式出现在飞行员

       的logbook上面。比如说在Airplane Single Engine Land之内,获得tail wheel

       endorsement你就可以操作后三点的飞机,获得high performance


       大家平时说的飞小飞机的私人驾照,其实英文的全称就是Private Pilot - Airplane Single Engine Land(私人飞行员,允许操作在陆地上起降的飞机)。在美国大约有50%的人在获取这个执照后会进一步考取一个叫Instrument Rating的认证(Instrument是指飞机里的仪表,不是乐器),驾照上的字就会随之变为Private

       Pilot - Airplane Single Engine Land, Instrument Airplane。Intrument

       Rating允许飞行员飞进云里,完全靠机内仪表来完成飞行,对于我这种在西雅图常年乌云密布阴雨绵绵的地方开飞机的人相当有用。在那之后有些人会选择把驾照升级成Commercial Pilot甚至Airline Transport Pilot Certificate,有些人会添加更多的rating以体验更多不同的飞行器,比如说Airplane Single Engine Sea或者Glider由于比较有趣而且所需训练时间较短,就是比较流行的几个选择。

        出于实用性考虑,我将把重点放在介绍Private Pilot - Airplane Single Engine Land,如果上面刚才列举的驾照简介把你看晕了,请忽略它们直接看下面关于私照的介绍。

       获取Private Pilot - Airplane Single Engine Land的基本要求:

       * 至少17岁(没有年龄上限)

       * 懂英语,能和ATC (Air Traffic Controller)以及其他Pilot进行沟通对话

       * 至少持有3rd Class Medical Certificate

       * 至少35小时(Part 141 Flight School)或者40小时(Part 61 Flight School)的飞行经验。请不要因为那纠结在选择141还是61的学校,如果不是一个星期飞个三五趟,40小时内都是学不完的,美国的平均值在70小时左右。

       * 地面知识考试,电脑上做60道选择题,题库是官方对外公布的,谁要是把那800还是1000道左右的题目背了,不考个90多分都对不起在中国从小学开始的应试训练。

       * 口试+驾驶。笔试成绩很大程度上决定了口试时间的长短,我个人的经验是笔试高分的话基本上口试都能在1小时左右结束,但笔试成绩比较低分的朋友口试就有可能被折腾个3~4个小时。通过口试后驾驶考试一般会持续1.5~2小时,加上口试前审查材料签字的时间,检查飞机的时间以及一些乱七八糟的小事情,一次考试最短也得4~5个小时。考试不及格的话会被送回给教官重新训练不及格的科目以后再重新考。一个教官一般需要维持至少80~90%的一次通过率才能保住饭碗,所以教官敢推荐你去考试的话一次成功率还是很高的。

       3rd Class Medical Certificate要求有多严格?





       如果实在是身体毛病太多,可以考虑学Sport Pilot。那个不需要体检,对身体的要求是拥有美国汽车驾照就行。





       phonetic alphabet, 我们不说A, B, C, ..., X, Y, Z,而是说Alpha, Bravo, Charlie,

       ... , Xray, Yankee, Zulu。刚起步的时候把26个字母的背熟就需要下不少功夫。



       Physics, Aerodynamics


       Aircraft Structure, Systems & Instrument


       Aircraft Performance




       Weather Service

       学会解读各种文字气象资料,像METAR,TAF, Area Forecast都是以早年电报的格式来发布的,所以全部单词都是严重缩写过的,需要花功夫练习翻译。另外还要学会看懂其他好几种气象图和雷达图。


       熟练背出A, B, C, D, E, G级空域以及各种其他特殊空域的定义,进出要求(需要什么设备,是否需要控制员同意,需要持有什么执照),飞行能见度的要求。


       Enroute Flight and Navigation




       Aeromedical Factors


       Aeronautical Decision Making



       Normal cruising, straight & level flight, climbing, descending


       初学者最大的挑战就是如何用rudder来克服各种飞机左右转的倾向(螺旋桨转动造成的torque, gyroscopic precession,

       slipstream, P-factor以及机翼的adverse yaw)和如何把飞机稳定下来(using trim to relieve

       control pressure)

       Power on stall, power off stall

       失速的意识及恢复,在损失最少高度的情况下恢复出来。Power on stall是模拟起飞时的场景,power off stall是模拟降落时的场景。

       Steep turns


        a pair of 360 turns, 45 degree bank to the



       Slow fight


       Simulated instrument flying


       S turns; Turning around a point;Rectangle course

        三个都属于Ground reference maneuvers,训练的是学生如何根据风速风向来调整控制,以维持飞机的ground

       track。比如说turning around a point,


       这些练习不光对于在机场上空飞长方形的traffic pattern有帮助,也对以后载乘客出去航拍的时候有用:)

       Simulated engine failure

       飞机在引擎停了以后就变成了一个效率不那么高的滑翔机,这个练习主要是训练学生如何控制速度(best glide speed)飞到最合适的迫降地点,还有完成引擎失效的检查清单。私照训练和考试并不会真正降落下去(除非引擎真的坏了),如果商业驾照的话会额外增加在机场上空的引擎失效练习,并且要求滑翔降落到跑道上的指定点,前后误差不得超过200ft。

       Normal takeoff/landing


       Short field takeoff/landing


       Soft field takeoff/landing

       演示在soft field上起降的技巧,有可能是在水泥跑道上模拟,也有可能是真的在草地上起降,看天气和机场情况而定。

       Night flying



英汉互译。 1. 电脑程序师2. computer science3. airline pilot4. 时装表演会5. 兼职的6.&nbsp...

       Body Language in Cross-Cultural Communication

       People can communicate with one another not only through verbal communication but also through nonverbal communication; moreover, the latter plays an essential role. Body language is an important part of nonverbal communication, and thus this article intends to present its meaning and talk it briefly so that we can improve our communication skills and abilities by understanding it well.

       Usually body language occurs unconsciously. Yet the body language we use decides to a large extent the quality of our communication. It follows that therefore it would be good to become conscious of our own and others' body language. We can learn to use our body language for a purpose. It is important to note that body language has different meanings in different cultures. How we can interpret body language depends on the situation, the culture, the relationship we have with the person as well as the gender of the other. This means that there is not one signal that has the same meaning all over the world. Body language is also interlinked with spoken language and a whole pattern of behaviour from a person. As well as that, various body language signs can complement each other to make a particular meaning crystal clear or strengthen the meaning of what we communicate.

       Nonverbal communication, composed of pictures, dresses, eye contact, spatial signals, gestures and so on, is as important as verbal communication.

       There are five parts of this paper. The first part is introduction, mainly introduce the importance of body language. The second part talk about the term—body language briefly, including its concept and classification, general characteristics and the importance of knowing how we communicate. The third part is the most vital one, in this chapter, this paper talk about several sorts of body language with lots of cases which embody the conflict in cross cultural communication in detail including gestures, eye behavior, facial expressions and posture. The fourth part talk about different meanings of body language in various countries and personal space, if we know the knowledge of this two aspects, we can avoid the embracement in cross cultural communication. The fifth part is the conclusion of the whole paper.

        Body language is known as non-verbal behavior which transmits information through gestures, actions and facial expressions. People communicate with each other by their body language in the ways of nodding, waving, eye contacting, shrugging and so on. According to the research results of psychologists, these ways can express what the verbal language cannot directly. Body language can be divided into sight language, body touches language, posture and gesture, manner, facial expression, flavor language, proxemics and clothes language.

        Some body languages are not only innate but also unconscious and subconscious. Take excited people for example, their pupil will dilate automatically; eyebrows move when greeting; frown when discontented; yawn when fatigued; bite teeth when anger and usually people smile when happy, cry when sad and blush when shame.

        However, other body languages are postnatal. Various peoples form unique body languages due to the language backgrounds of their living. The gesture of Britain and American man is totally different when they sit with their legs crossed. American likes shrugging, and they often do a forward body gesture when they speak in future tense. Cupped-hand salute is peculiar only in China, we use it in such cases: congratulate when happy get-together; extend one’s heartfelt respects when spend festivals; express heartfelt thanks and entrust in some special situations.

        How we come across to someone is decided only for a small part by the words we speak. To leave a good impression behind, say at a job interview, it is important that we know, and to a certain extent can control, our body language. The person on the receiving end of our body language will have a feeling or impression that is often difficult to describe, difficult to put into words or difficult to prove what actually was communicated. Haven’t we all said at times: ‘I have a feeling he\she likes me’, or something like: ‘I doubt if what he\she is saying is really the truth’. This type of feeling is called intuition. Body language plays a big role in intuition as it gives us messages about the other person that we can interpret at an intuitive level. It is therefore necessary to get to know our own body language first. We should learn about it so that we can recognize it in others as well as in ourselves. For this purpose, we will describe all the different aspects of body language in the following parts. We can learn something from the different aspects of body language.

        Without gestures, our world would be static and colorless. The movements of our arms, hands, eyes, and feet constitute another important way in which we broadcast, interpersonal data. So we will talk about this subject more.

        In a very general sense, we all use gestures to reinforce an idea or to help describe something. When we say, “That’s an English book”, at the same time we are pointing to the book. If someone asks us the way to the library, we point to the right, adding a little information about it, which will be more clear and concrete. We may literally roll up our sleeves when talking about cleaning up the room, run to meet the person we are eager to see, stand up when saying “We will go now.” We like to use our hands to indicate the dimensions when someone asks us to describe the size or shape of something.

        It seems natural to clench our first or perhaps even proud the lectern to let everyone realize the importance of our message when trying to communicate a strong feeling, which emphasizes our words. In classroom, it is unnecessarily stand in front of the blackboard for the teacher at the whole time. The teacher may move from behind the lectern when they wait to be informed; move to the right or left when making a major point so that they can communicate with students very well and enhance his or her teaching quality.

        However, exaggerated body movement, we should say, can cause harm, too, just as a saying goes, “Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.” This teacher must avoid overdone movement because it can be so distracting, to the students that it loses track of what the teacher is saying. Some of us have such feeling, that is, in a class or speech, we become more interested in the speaker’s motion than we do in the speaker’s message when we see the speaker pace and forth in front of us. At last we just remember the movement of the speaker, but get nothing about the information. The same is true in any context. “If a body movement distracts from the idea, it is damaging.”

        Of course, there are also many other gestures, for instance, head movement; shaking the head or nodding. Perhaps we learn those gestures and movements at an early age, and probably use and interpret them almost without thinking.

       Gestures and body language communicate as effectively as words- maybe even more effectively. We use gestures daily, almost instinctively, from beckoning to a waiter, or punctuating a business presentation with visual signals to airport ground attendants guiding an airline pilot into the jet way or a parent using a whole dictionary of gestures to teach (or preach to) a child.

       Gestures are woven inextricably into our social lives, but also that the "vocabulary" of gestures, can be at once informative and entertaining... but also dangerous. Gestures can be menacing (two drivers on a freeway), warm (an open-armed welcome), instructive (a police man giving road directions), or even sensuous (the liquid movement of a Hawaiian hula dancer).

       Bear in mind that the following gestures are in general use, but there may always be exceptions. In recent years, Western and contemporary values and ideas have become more popular and has either influenced, altered, and even replaced, some of the more traditional gestures, understanding human behavior is tricky stuff. No two people behave in precisely the same way. Nor do people from the same culture all perform exactly the same gestures and body language uniformly. For almost any gestures there will probably be a minority within a given nationality who might say, "Well, some might attach that meaning t...



1. computer programmer?2. 计算机科学?3. 飞行员? 4. fashion show 5. part-time

        6. at the same time? 7. 交换生 8. 迎新会? 9. 听起来像




       好了,今天关于“airline pilot”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“airline pilot”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的学习中更好地运用所学知识。