prelude 巴赫_巴赫 17

       在接下来的时间里,我将尽力回答大家关于prelude 巴赫的问题,希望我的解答能够给大家带来一些思考。关于prelude 巴赫的话题,我们开始讲解吧。



3.求 N82 广告的背景音乐

4.一首用中提琴拉的 巴赫 曲子 是哪个专集的~~

prelude 巴赫_巴赫 17


       无伴奏チェロ组曲 第一番~チェロ単独~ - instrumental


       Cello Suite No. 1 in G major (BWV 1007): I. Prelude


       巴赫《G弦上的咏叹调》又名为《G弦之歌》,此曲为巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)《第三号管弦乐组曲》(Orchestral Suites No's 1 and 3 #09] Overture No. 3 BWV 1068 in D major - Air)





       Sonata No 1 BWV 1001,in G Minor

       g小调第一奏鸣曲Bwv 100l

       01 1st mov Adagio 第一乐章:柔板

       02 2nd mov Fuga:AIlegro 第二乐章赋格曲:快板

       03 3rd mov Siclliano 第三乐章:西西里舞曲

       04 4th mov Presto 第四乐章:急板

       Partita No 1.BWV 1002、in B Minor

       b小调第一组曲BWV 1002

       05-06 1st mov Allemande-Double 第一乐章:阿勒曼德舞曲,变妻

       07-08 2nd mov Corrente—Double 第二乐章:库朗舞曲,变奏

       09-10 3rd mov Sarabande-Double 第三乐章:萨拉邦德舞曲,变奏

       11-12 4th rnov Bourree-Double 第四乐章:柏雷舞曲,变奏

       Sonata No 2 BWV A Minor

       a小调第二奏鸣曲 BWV 1003

       13 1st mov Grave 第一乐章:庄板

       14 2nd mov Fuga 第二乐章:赋格曲

       15 3rd mov Andante 第三乐章:行板

       16 4th mov Allegro 第四乐章:快板

       Partita No.2.BWV 1004,in D Minor

       d小调第二组曲BWV 1004

       01 1st mov Allemande 第一乐章:阿勒曼德舞曲

       02 2rid mov Cofrrte 第二乐章:库朗舞曲

       03 3rd mov Sarubande 第三乐章:萨拉邦德舞曲

       04 4th mov,Giga 第四乐章:吉格舞曲

       05 5th mov Ciaccona 第五乐章:夏康舞曲

       Sonata No 3.BWV 1005,in C Major

       C大调第三奏鸣曲 BWV 1005

       06 1st rrtov Adagio 第一乐章:柔板

       07 2nd mov Fuga 第二乐章:赋格曲.

       08 3rd rnov Largo 第三乐章:广板

       09 4th mov Allegro assai 第四乐章:极快板

       Pmita No 3 BWV 1006,in E Major

       E大调第三组曲 BWV 1006

       10 1st mov Preludio 第一乐章:前奏曲

       11 2nd mov Loure 第二乐章:卢尔舞曲

       12 3rd mov,Gavotte en Rondeau 第三乐章:嘉禾舞曲

       13 4th mov Menuel I&ll 第四乐章:小步舞曲I&ll

       14 5th mov,Bourree 第五乐章:柏雷舞曲

       15 6th mov Giga 第六乐章:吉格舞曲


       Suite No.1, BWV 1007, in G/G-dur/sol majeur


       1. Prelude 前奏曲 2:40

       2. Allemande 阿勒曼德舞曲 5:26

       3. Courante 库朗舞曲 2:31

       4. Sarabande 萨拉邦德舞曲 3:13

       5. Menuet 1&2 小步舞曲 3:15

       6. Gigue 吉格舞曲 1:24

       Suite No.3, BWV 1009, in C/C-dur/ut majeur


       7. Prelude 前奏曲 4:17

       8. Allemande 阿勒曼德舞曲 4:02

       9. Courante 库朗舞曲 3:05

       10. Sarabande 萨拉邦德舞曲 4:32

       11. Bourrée 1&2 柏雷舞曲 3:28

       12. Gigue 吉格舞曲 3:10

       Suite No.5, BWV 1011, in C Minor/c-moll/ut mineur


       13. Prelude 前奏曲 6:40

       14. Allemande 阿勒曼德舞曲 7:26

       15. Courante 库朗舞曲 2:14

       16. Sarabande 萨拉邦德舞曲 3:34

       17. Gavotte 1&2 嘉禾舞曲 4:28

       18. Gigue 吉格舞曲 2:37

       Suite No.2, BWV 1008, in D Minor/d-moll/ré mineur


       1. Prelude 前奏曲 3:50

       2. Allemande 阿勒曼德舞曲 4:08

       3. Courante 库朗舞曲 2:14

       4. Sarabande 萨拉邦德舞曲 5:00

       5. Menuet 1&2 小步舞曲 2:58

       6. Gigue 吉格舞曲 2:39

       Suite No.4, BWV 1010, in E-Flat/Es-dur/mi bémol majeur


       7. Prelude 前奏曲 4:36

       8. Allemande 阿勒曼德舞曲 4:12

       9. Courante 库朗舞曲 3:47

       10. Sarabande 萨拉邦德舞曲 4:07

       11. Bourrée 1&2 柏雷舞曲 5:04

       12. Gigue 吉格舞曲 2:36

       Suite No.6, BWV 1012, in D/D-dur/ré majeur


       13. Prelude 前奏曲 5:13

       14. Allemande 阿勒曼德舞曲 6:21

       15. Courante 库朗舞曲 3:51

       16. Sarabande 萨拉邦德舞曲 4:54

       17. Gavotte 1&2 嘉禾舞曲 4:10

       18. Gigue 吉格舞曲 4:13

求 N82 广告的背景音乐

       (巴赫的作品用BWV标示,代表Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis,德语,意为巴赫作品列表,编号从1至1080,由Wolfgang Schmieder编撰)

       Easier Pieces

       The Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach

       Minuet in F Major

       Minuet in G Major

       Minuet in G Minor

       Minuet in G Major

       Polonaise in F Major

       Minuet in Bb Major

       Rondo (Francois Couperin)

       Polonaise in G Minor

       Minuet in A Minor

       Minuet in C Minor

       March in D Major

       Polonaise in G Minor

       March in G Major

       Polonaise in G Minor


       March in Eb Major

       Polonaise in D Minor

       Solo in the Italian Style

       Polonaise in G Major

       Minuet in D Minor

       Little Clavier Book for W.F. Bach


       Prelude in C Major

       Prelude in A Minor

       Minuet No. 1

       Minuet No. 2

       Minuet No. 3

       Praeambulum in F Major

       Minuet from a suite by G.H. Stolzel with a trio by J.S. Bach


       Praeambulum in C Major

       Prelude in D Minor

       Two Pieces from a Suite by Telemann


       Praeambulum in G Minor

       Prelude in D Major

       Prelude in G Major

       Miscellaneous Easier Pieces

       Minuet in G

       Minuet in G Minor

       Minuet in G Minor

       Minuet in C Minor

       Gavotte in G Minor

       Minuet in F

       Prelude in F Minor


       Two-Part Inventions

       No. 1 in C Major BWV 772

       No. 2 in C Minor BWV 773

       No. 3 in D Major BWV 774

       No. 4 in D Minor BWV 775

       No. 5 in Eb Major BWV 776

       No. 6 in E Major BWV 777

       No. 7 in E Minor BWV 778

       No. 8 in F Major BWV 779

       No. 9 in F Minor BWV 780

       No. 10 in G Major BWV 781

       No. 11 in G Minor BWV 782

       No. 12 in A Major BWV 783

       No. 13 in A Minor BWV 784

       No. 14 in Bb Major BWV 785

       No. 15 in B Minor BWV 786

       Three-Part Inventions

       No. 1 in C Major BWV 787

       No. 2 in C Minor BWV 788

       No. 3 in D Major BWV 789

       No. 4 in D Minor BWV 790

       No. 5 in Eb Major BWV 791

       No. 6 in E Major BWV 792

       No. 7 in E Minor BWV 793

       No. 8 in F Major BWV 794

       No. 9 in F Minor BWV 795

       No. 10 in G Major BWV 796

       No. 11 in G Minor BWV 797

       No. 12 in A Major BWV 798

       No. 13 in A Minor BWV 799

       No. 14 in Bb Major BWV 800

       No. 15 in B Minor BWV 801

       The Well-Tempered Clavier

       Book 1

       Prelude and Fugue in C Major BWV 846

       Prelude and Fugue in C Minor BWV 847

       Prelude and Fugue in C# Major BWV 848

       Prelude and Fugue in C# Minor BWV 849

       Prelude and Fugue in D Major BWV 850

       Prelude and Fugue in D Minor BWV 851

       Prelude and Fugue in Eb Major BWV 852

       Prelude and Fugue in Eb Minor BWV 853

       Prelude and Fugue in E Major BWV 854

       Prelude and Fugue in E Minor BWV 855

       Prelude and Fugue in F Major BWV 856

       Prelude and Fugue in F Minor BWV 857

       Prelude and Fugue in F# Major BWV 858

       Prelude and Fugue in F# Minor BWV 859

       Prelude and Fugue in G Major BWV 860

       Prelude and Fugue in G Minor BWV 861

       Prelude and Fugue in Ab Major BWV 862

       Prelude and Fugue in G# Minor BWV 863

       Prelude and Fugue in A Major BWV 864

       Prelude and Fugue in A Minor BWV 865

       Prelude and Fugue in Bb Major BWV 866

       Prelude and Fugue in Bb Minor BWV 867

       Prelude and Fugue in B Major BWV 868

       Prelude and Fugue in B Minor BWV 869

       Book 2

       Prelude and Fugue in C Major BWV 870

       Prelude and Fugue in C Minor BWV 871

       Prelude and Fugue in C# Major BWV 872

       Prelude and Fugue in C# Minor BWV 873

       Prelude and Fugue in D Major BWV 874

       Prelude and Fugue in D Minor BWV 875

       Prelude and Fugue in Eb Major BWV 876

       Prelude and Fugue in D# Minor BWV 877

       Prelude and Fugue in E Major BWV 878

       Prelude and Fugue in E Minor BWV 879

       Prelude and Fugue in F Major BWV 880

       Prelude and Fugue in F Minor BWV 881

       Prelude and Fugue in F# Major BWV 882

       Prelude and Fugue in F# Minor BWV 883

       Prelude and Fugue in G Major BWV 884

       Prelude and Fugue in G Minor BWV 885

       Prelude and Fugue in Ab Major BWV 886

       Prelude and Fugue in G# Minor BWV 887

       Prelude and Fugue in A Major BWV 888

       Prelude and Fugue in A Minor BWV 889

       Prelude and Fugue in Bb Major BWV 890

       Prelude and Fugue in Bb Minor BWV 891

       Prelude and Fugue in B Major BWV 892

       Prelude and Fugue in B Minor BWV 893

       The English Suites

       No. 1 in A Major BWV 806

       No. 2 in A Minor BWV 807

       No. 3 in G Minor BWV 808

       No. 4 in F Major BWV 809

       No. 5 in E Minor BWV 810

       No. 6 in D Minor BWV 811

       The French Suites

       No. 1 in D Minor BWV 812

       No. 2 in C Minor BWV 813

       No. 3 in B Minor BWV 814

       No. 4 in Eb Major BWV 815

       No. 5 in G Major BWV 816

       No. 6 in E Major BWV 817


       No. 1 in Bb Major BWV 825

       No. 2 in C Minor BWV 826

       No. 3 in A Minor BWV 827

       No. 4 in D Major BWV 828

       No. 5 in G Major BWV 829

       No. 6 in E Minor BWV 830


       in F# Minor BWV 910

       in C Minor BWV 911

       in D Major BWV 912

       in D Minor BWV 913

       in E Minor BWV 914

       in G Minor BWV 915

       in G Major BWV 916

       Goldberg Variations BWV 988

       Major Concert Works

       Concerto in the Italian Style (Italian Concerto) BWV 971

       Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor BWV 903

       Chromatic Fantasia: Early Version BWV 903a

       Overture in French Style (Partita) in B Minor BWV 831

       Prelude and Fugue in A Minor BWV 894

       Fantasia and Fugue in A Minor BWV 904

       Fantasia in C Minor (Incomplete) supplement 86

       Fantasia and Fugue in A Minor BWV 944

       Fugue in A Major BWV 949

       Fugue in B Minor on a Theme by Albinoni BWV 951

       Fugue in A Minor BWV 958

       Fugue in A Minor BWV 959

       Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in Eb Major for Lute or Keyboard BWV 998

       Overture in F Major BWV 820

       Partita in C Minor for Lute or Keyboard BWV 997

       Partita in E Major BWV 1006a

       (for Lute or Keyboard; arranged from Violin Partita No. 3, BWV 1006)

       Sonata in D Major BWV 963

       Aria Variata (in Italian style) BWV 989

       Capriccio on the Departure of his Most Beloved Brother BWV 992

       Capriccio in E Major BWV 993

       Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor BWV 906

       Fugue on a Theme by Albinoni in A Major BWV 950

       Miscellaneous Concert Works

       Fugue in A Major BWV 896

       Prelude and Fughetta in E Minor BWV 900

       Five Preludes BWV 939-943

       Six Little Preludes BWV 933-938

       Fugue in C Major BWV 953

       Fugue in Bb Major (arranged from Reincken=s Hortus Musicus) BWV 954

       Fugue in Bb (arranged from an organ fugue by Erselius) BWV 955

       Suite in A Minor BWV 818

       Suite in Eb Major BWV 819

       Suite in Bb Major BWV 821

       Suite in F Minor (incomplete) BWV 823

       Partie in A Major BWV 832

       Sonata in A Minor (arranged from Reincken=s Hortus Musicus) BWV 965

       Sonata in C Major (arranged from Reincken=s Hortus Musicus) BWV 966

       Prelude and Fughetta in F Major BWV 901

       Prelude and Fughetta in G Major BWV 902

       Alternative Prelude BWV 902a

       Fugue in C Major BWV 946

       Works of Disputed or Doubtful Authenticity

       Prelude and Fugue in A Minor BWV 895

       Fugue in A Minor BWV 897

       Prelude and Fughetta in D Minor BWV 899

       Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor BWV 905

       Fantasia and Fughetta in Bb Major BWV 907

       Fantasia and Fughetta in D Major BWV 908

       Concerto and Fugue in C Minor BWV 909

       Fantasia in G Minor BWV 920

       Prelude (Fantasia) in C Minor BWV 921

       Prelude in B Minor BWV 923

       Fugue in C Major BWV 952

       Fugue in E Minor BWV 956

       Fugue in G Major BWV 957

       Fughetta in C Minor BWV 961

       Sonata in D Minor BWV 964

       (arranged from Violin Sonata No. 2, BWV 1003)

       Adagio in G Major BWV 968

       (arranged from Violin Sonata No. 3 BWV 1005)

       Fantasia in G Minor BWV 917

       Fantasia on a Rondo in C Minor BWV 918

       Fantasia in C Minor BWV 919

       Prelude (Fantasia) in A Minor BWV 922

       Fugue in A Minor BWV 947

       Fugue in D Minor BWV 948


       371 Four-Part Chorales

       Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 79

       Ach Gott, erhor' mein Seufzen BWV 83

       Ach Gott und Herr wie gross und schwer BWV 18, 134

       Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh' darein BWV 2, 122, 126

       Ach Gott, wie manches Herzelied BWV 70, 102, 148

       Ach lieben Christen, seid getrost BWV 14, 144

       Ach, was soll ich Sunder machen BWV 18

       Ach wie nichtig, ach wie fluchtig BWV 21

       Allein Gott in der Hoh' sei Ehr' BWV 56, 119, 151, 156

       Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 7, 172

       Alle Menschen mussen sterben BWV 69

       Alles ist an Gottes Segen BWV 57

       Als der gutige Gott BWV 72

       Als Jesus Christus in der Nacht BWV 81

       Als vierzig Tag' nach Ostern BWV 97

       An Wasserflussen Babylon BWV 3

       Auf, auf, mein Herz, und du mein ganzer Sinn BWV 55

       Auf meinen lieben Gott BWV 146

       Aus meines Herzens Grunde BWV 1

       Aus tiefer Not schrei' ich zu dir BWV 6

       Befiehl du deine Wege BWV 130, 138, 162, 176

       Christ, der du bist der helle Tag BWV 109

       Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht BWV 117

       Christe, du Beistand deiner Kreuzgemeine BWV 98

       Christ ist erstanden BWV 88

       Christ lag in Todesbanden BWV 8, 82, 126, 178

       Christum wir sollen loben schon BWV 24

       Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam BWV 28, 52

       Christus, der ist mein Leben BWV 3, 152

       Christus, der uns selig macht BWV 36, 50, 89, 148

       Christus ist erstanden, hat uberwunden BWV 90

       Da der Herr Christ zu Tische sass BWV 87

       Danket dem Herren, denn er ist sehr freundlich BWV 108

       Dank sei Gott in der Hohe BWV 150

       Das alte Jahr vergangen ist BWV 73, 151

       Das neugeborne Kindelein BWV 23

       Das walt' Gott Vater und Gott Sohn BWV 106

       Das walt' mein

一首用中提琴拉的 巴赫 曲子 是哪个专集的~~

       是巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)的G大调无伴奏第一号大提琴组曲(巴赫作品编号1007),第一首,前奏曲。曲目全称是: Suite for Cello Solo NO.1 in G major,BWV 1007,I-Prelude





       好了,关于“prelude 巴赫”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“prelude 巴赫”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的工作中更好地运用所学知识。