life is too short_life is too short to wait翻译

       在这个数字化的时代,life is too short的更新速度越来越快。今天,我将和大家分享关于life is too short的今日更新,让我们一起跟上时代的步伐。 is too short to be little是什么意思

2.哪位知道Life is too short to be little出处

3.scorpions life is too short

life is too short_life is too short to wait翻译

life is too short to be little是什么意思

       life is too short to be little





       For life is too short to be little.



       Consider this thought when next you feel tempted to nurse a grievance: that life is tooshort to be little!


哪位知道Life is too short to be little出处

       Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not.生命匆匆,哪里有时间让我们每日带着遗憾醒来?所以去爱那些真心对你的人,忘掉那些不知道珍惜你的人。

scorpions life is too short


       Life is too short to be little


       My favorite quotation is “Life is too short to be little”which is writed by Disraeli,the Britain primier,It has helped me through many a painful experiences.

       Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget. Perhaps some man we helped has proved ungrateful,Some women we believed to be a friend has spoken ill of us,Some reward we thought we deserved has been denied us.

       We feel such disappointments so strongly that we can no longer work or sleep.But isn’t it absurd?Here we are on this earth with only a few decade to live and we lose many irreplaceable hours that in a year time will be forgetten by us and everybody.

       Now,Let us devote our life to worth- while action and feeling,to great thoughts,real affection and enduring undertakings,for life is too short to be little.

        ----------Benjamin Disraeli

       Life Is Too Short ?

       Have you ever seen the morning

       When the sun comes up the shore

       And the silence makes

       A beautiful sound

       Have you ever sat there waiting

       For the time to stand still

       For all the world to stop

       From turning around

       And you run

       'Cause life is too short

       And you run

       'Cause life is too short

       Have you ever seen the glowing

       When the moon is on the rise

       And the dreams are close

       To the ones that we love

       Have you ever sat there waiting

       For heaven to give a sign

       So we could find the place

       Where angels come from

       And you run

       'Cause life is too short

       And you run

       'Cause life is too short

       And you run

       'Cause life is too short

       And you run

       'Cause life is too short

       There's a time that turns

       I'd turn back time

       But I don't say I can

       It only works if you believe in the truth

       Well there's a time to live

       And a time to cry

       But if you're by my side

       I will try to catch a star

       I'll try to catch a star

       Just for you

       And I run

       'Cause life is too short

       And I run

       'Cause life is too short

       And I run

       'Cause life is too short

       And I run

       'Cause life is too short

       Too short

       Too short

       Life is too short

       Too short

       Too short

       Life is too short

       好了,今天关于“life is too short”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“life is too short”有更全面的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。