

1.这个英语 distant 怎么读







这个英语 distant 怎么读

       英语 distant 的读法如下:


       国际音标:英语[?d?st?nt] 美语[?d?st?nt]。







       1.For?a?split?second,?when?most?of?the?sun's globe is below?the?horizon,?the?only?part?showing?is that?blue-green?sliver?along the?top.


       2.The?sliver?is?pulled?through?a?coneshaped?outlet?and?doffed?OR?delivered?to?cans?OR?to a?conveyOR belt.棉条从喇叭口输出,被送到条筒内或传送带上。


       4.If?the?company?does?well?and?the?valuation?of?the?next?round?is?high,?they?may?end?up with?only?a?sliver?of it.如果公司做得好且下一轮的估值非常高,他们可能最终只得到一小块。

       5.I?agree?this is?part?of the answer,?but?the?issue?is really?only?a?sliver?of the?type?of?things?we?consume.?It's how?much?we?consume.我部分同意他们的观点,但是他们讲道的只是我们消费的东西的类型,我们消费了多少。

       6.Yes,?this?means?that?technically?you?owntiny?sliver?of?every?piece?of?furniture,?every?trademark,?and?every?contract?of the?company.是的,这意味著,技术上你拥有公司内办公家具的每一部分,每件商标,以及每件公司的契约。


       8.But?even?if?tort?reform?could?save?the?country?several?billion?dollars?a?year,?that is?still?just a?sliver?of?overall?health?spending.不过,即使侵权改革一年能给国家节省几十亿美元,其仍是总医疗花销的凤毛麟角。


       10.Who?would have?thought?it would?turn?out?to?be?a?little?sliver?of?crystal?with reaching?on?its?surface?可谁又想得到,“炼金石”原来是一小块表面刻过的小晶薄片呢?













































       adj.(形容词)广泛的宽阔的,广阔的一般的宽的…宽的,宽度为…的远离目标的, 远离的全范围的,范围大的差得远的错得厉害的大量的睁大的,全张开的adv.(副词)充分地,完全地广阔地,范围广大地,遍及各处地尽可能远地,远离地张得很大地偏离地,歪,不中广泛地远离目标地n.(名词)板歪球 ,坏球,远离柱门的投球(打击方得一分)广大的世界,大千世界广阔的土地Widely Integrated Distributed Environments,拓宽的集成分布环境二、英英释义

       Adjective:having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other;"wide roads"

       "a wide necktie"

       "wide margins"

       "three feet wide"

       "a river two miles broad"

       "broad shoulders"

       "a broad river"

       broad in scope or content;"across-the-board pay increases"

       "an all-embracing definition"

       "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"

       "an invention with broad applications"

       "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"

       "granted him wide powers"

       (used of eyes) fully open or extended;"stared with wide eyes"

       very large in expanse or scope;"a broad lawn"

       "the wide plains"

       "a spacious view"

       "spacious skies"

       great in degree;"won by a wide margin"

       having ample fabric;"the current taste for wide trousers"

       "a full skirt"

       not on target;"the kick was wide"

       "the arrow was wide of the mark"

       "a claim that was wide of the truth"

       Adverb:with or by a broad space;"stand with legs wide apart"

       "ran wide around left end"

       to the fullest extent possible;"open your eyes wide"

       "with the throttle wide open"

       far from the intended target;"the arrow went wide of the mark"

       "a bullet went astray and killed a bystander"

       to or over a great extent or range; far;"wandered wide through many lands"

       "he traveled widely"


       1. 宽广:适合于中置音箱外形尺寸较小、各项性能适中的情况;宽广(WIDE)模式?适合于中置音箱与前置主音箱频带、承载功率等指标相当的情况;幻象(PHANTOM)模式?系统不配置中置音箱时选用此种模式. 在有些AV放大器的使用说明中,

       2. wide

       2. 宽阔:于合适的工作状态中置扬声器工作标准样式(CENTERMODE)一般有三种:普通(NORMAL)标准样式--适合于中置音箱形状尺寸较小、各项性能适中的情况;宽阔(WIDE)标准样式--适合于中置音箱与前置主音箱频道、承载功率等指标相当的情况;


       He is a man of wide interests.


       The paper has a wide readership.


       Computers have been brought into wide use.


       The Asiatic plains are very wide.


       A wide stretch of land spreaded in front of us.


       She stared at him with eyes wide.


       He opened his eyes wide in surprise.


       He has wide knowledge on the subject.


       He has a wide knowledge of painting and music.


       The bullet was wide of the mark.


       The arrow fell wide of its mark.


       The shot went wide.


       Open your mouth wide when you pronounce this sound.


       Open your mouth wide, so that I may see clearly what's wrong with your teeth.


       The flowers spread their fragrance far and wide.


       His reputation has spread far and wide.


       With the championship wide open, this weekend's games are crucial.



       用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.He admired the city's wide streets.

       他赞美该市的宽阔的街道。There are many wide highways in the province.

       这个省有许多宽阔的公路。His interests spanned a wide range of subjects.

       他的兴趣涉及广泛的学科。This shop sells a wide variety of goods.

       这家商店出售各种货物。She is a woman of wide reading.

       她是个学识渊博的人。There is a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen.

       关于这点,两位政治家的政见有很大分歧。She stared at him with wide eyes.

       她睁大眼睛注视着他。用作表语S+be+~The bridge is about ten metres wide.

       这座桥大约有10米宽。The garden is ten yards wide.

       这个花园有10码宽。The gap between the poor and rich is very wide indeed.

       穷人和富人之间的差距确实很大。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHis answer was wide of mark.

       他的回答离题太远了。His guess was wide of the mark.

       他猜得完全离了谱。His remark is wide of truth.

       他的话与事实出入很大。It lies wide of all other forts.

       它的位置远离其他要塞。This is wide from purpose.

       这与本意相距甚远。S+be+~+(for sb+)to- vThe gate isn't wide enough to get the car through.

       这大门不够宽,小汽车进不去。The stream is too wide for me to jump across.

       这条小河太宽了,我跳不过去。用作副词(adv.)He stood with his legs wide apart.

       他两腿叉开地站着。The window was wide open.

       那窗户大开着。Open your mouth wide.

       把嘴张大。The arrow fell wide.

       箭没有射中。The ball went wide.


       It is better to dwell in a corner..then with a braulinge woman in a wyde house.

       出自:Bible (Coverdale): ProverbsThe train moved into wide, horizonless steppe-land.

       出自:M. MoorcockThe dolphins hadn't been brought up in the big wide underwater world.

       出自:CommercialsHe welcomes disorder and confusion, would let them range wide over the earth.

       出自:G. W. Knight七、词语用法













       1、Endless Horizon:无垠地平线,无垠水平线,无止境的见识,无止境的见实。

       2、Endless Journey:没有尽头的旅程,无尽的旅程,无尽之旅冒险骑士团,无尽的路。

       3、Endless variations:变化无穷。


       1、I've had enough of their endless arguing.


       2、We don't have an endless supply of money, you know.


       3、The endless rain seemed to dull all sound.


       4、The affection between them has worn off,leaving only a sad memory of endless quarrels.

























































