special和especial的区别_special和especial的区别 particular






special和especial的区别_special和especial的区别 particular





       特别的, 特殊的







       Of special importance or significance; exceptional:


       an occasion of especial joy.


       Relating to or directed toward a particular person, group, or purpose:


       called his father with especial birthday wishes; gave especial attention to the decorations.


       Peculiar to the individual; characteristic:


       She has an especial fondness for mushrooms.


       Middle English


       from Old French

       源自 古法语

       from Latin speci?s [of a kind]

       源自 拉丁语 speci?s [某一种的]

       from speci?s [species] * see spek-

       源自 speci?s [种,类] *参见 spek-




       特别的; 特殊的

       a matter of especial importance




       in especial

       特别, 格外, 尤其







       Of special importance or significance; exceptional:

       an occasion of especial joy.

       Relating to or directed toward a particular person, group, or purpose:

       called his father with especial birthday wishes; gave especial attention to the decorations.

       Peculiar to the individual; characteristic:

       She has an especial fondness for mushrooms.

       Middle English

       from Old French

       from Latin speci?s [of a kind]

       from speci?s [species] * see spek-




       特派员, 专车, 专刊


       特别的, 特殊的, 专门的, 专用的






       adj.Abbr. sp.,spec.(形容词)缩写 sp.,spec.

       Surpassing what is common or usual; exceptional:


       a special occasion; a special treat.


       Distinct among others of a kind:


       a special type of paint; a special medication for arthritis.




       His special satisfaction comes from volunteer work.


       Peculiar to a specific person or thing; particular:


       my own special chair; the special features of a computer.


       Having a limited or specific function, application, or scope:


       a special role in the mission.


       Arranged for a particular occasion or purpose:


       a special visit from her daughter.


       Regarded with particular affection and admiration:


       a special friend.


       Additional; extra:


       a special holiday flight.



       Something arranged, issued, or appropriated to a particular service or occasion:


       rode to work on the commuter special.


       A featured attraction, such as a reduced price:


       a special on salmon.


       A single television production that features a specific work, a given topic, or a particular performer.


       Middle English


       from Old French especial

       源自 古法语 especial

       from Latin speci?s

       源自 拉丁语 speci?s

       from speci?s [kind] * see species

       源自 speci?s [种类] *参见 species








       特别的, 特殊的

       专门的, 专用的, 特设的

       额外的, 附加的

       特别亲密的; 主要的

       a special occasion


       a special purpose


       a matter of special importance


       special area

       特别地区, 特区

       special court -martial


       special delivery

       [美]快信, 快递

       special edition

       特刊, 号外

       a special hospital


       special memory


       special number

       (杂志等的)特刊, 特号

       special student


       special train


       He is not a special friend of mine.





       特别的人; 临时警察; 特别警卫人员; 特使


       特别的东西; 临时(列)车, 专车; 新闻号外, 特刊, 特稿, 特别通讯; 特制影片

       [美]选科生, 特别生



       Saturday -night special








       电木纸, 胶木纸





       专精一门, 专业; 特例




       专家, 专科医生



       专家的, 专门学科的, 专攻的




       特别, 异常, 临时

       特地, 专门地, 尤其



       特殊, 专门

       on special


       case screw special


       early week specials


       undergraduate special







       adj.Abbr. sp.,spec.

       Surpassing what is common or usual; exceptional:

       a special occasion; a special treat.

       Distinct among others of a kind:

       a special type of paint; a special medication for arthritis.


       His special satisfaction comes from volunteer work.

       Peculiar to a specific person or thing; particular:

       my own special chair; the special features of a computer.

       Having a limited or specific function, application, or scope:

       a special role in the mission.

       Arranged for a particular occasion or purpose:

       a special visit from her daughter.

       Regarded with particular affection and admiration:

       a special friend.

       Additional; extra:

       a special holiday flight.


       Something arranged, issued, or appropriated to a particular service or occasion:

       rode to work on the commuter special.

       A featured attraction, such as a reduced price:

       a special on salmon.

       A single television production that features a specific work, a given topic, or a particular performer.

       Middle English

       from Old French especial

       from Latin speci?s

       from speci?s [kind] * see species






       来自古法语 especial <拉丁语 specialis <species 种类


       这两个词的区别我懂,Especial 作为一个强调词,意味着某些特殊的事物和其他事物有明显的区别,它的强调程度通常比 Special 更高。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~


1. 意义上的区别

Especial 一般用于特别提出某一个或某几个具体的事物来强调其特殊性;而 Special 则着重于强化整体的特殊性。?


       - The client made an especial request for the meeting to be held at a specific time.?


       - This is a special cake that my grandma always makes for my birthday.?


2. 用法和用词场合上的区别

Especially 作为副词修饰整个句子,强调某个事物的特殊性;而 Special 更多是作为形容词,在任何语境中都可以使用。


       - I especially like the color blue.?


       - That painting is really special.?


3. 形式上的区别

Especially 通常作为副词出现, 而 Special 通常作为形容词出现。


       - The driver especially slowed down when approaching the intersection.?


       - The restaurant serves special dishes on weekends.?


4. 程度上的区别

Especial 作为一个强调词,意味着某些特殊的事物和其他事物有明显的区别,它的强调程度通常比 Special 更高。


       - This is an especial case that requires our immediate attention.?


       - This trip is really special for me because it’s my first time visiting Europe.?


5. 句法上的区别

Especially 通常用于句首,从而引出后面更详细的解释或强调。而 Special 可以用在词组前面,也可以放置在句子结尾。


       - Especially with the current situation, we need to be extra careful.?


       - She bought a special gift for her boyfriend’s birthday.?




       1、special “特殊的”、“特别的”、“专门的”,普通用词,指在某方面具有不同于

       一般的特别之处(not ordinary or usual)突出与一般不同。也可表示有“特有


       例如:Is there anything special that you'd like to do today?


       2、especial “尤其的”、“特别的”,强调修饰的人或物在所提及得到人或物中有显眼或例外的地方,侧重有特殊的意义或重要性。

       例如:I think that the matter he reported just now is of especial importance.?


       3、particular “特殊的”,“具体的”,指某事物有个性和独特之处,侧重不同于普遍的个性或特殊性。

       例如:In studying English vocabulary, we should pay attention to the general and

       particular meanings of words.在学习英语词汇时,我们应该注意词汇的一般含义和特殊含义。

       4、peculiar “独特的”,侧重指某人或某物本身具有与众不同独特之处,但并不是独一无二


       例如:Every society has its own peculiar customs and ways of action.


       △ peculiar 还可表示“奇特的”意思,相当于“unusual and strange”。

       1) He looked at me with a very peculiar expression.?


       2)He is very peculiar in his behavior.?


       5、specific “特殊的”、“特异的”,强调奇特性和特异性,指某物与其他事物有明显的区别或针对某物而言是特定的,特有的。

       例如:A specific attribute of the elephant is its long trunk.









       in particular:尤其


       常见词组:be particular about:对……挑剔,对……讲究

       be particular to:为……特有


       1. in a special manner


       2. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common

       同义词:particularly, peculiarly, especially


       1. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common

       同义词:particularly, peculiarly, specially

       2. in a special manner


       especial: [ is'pe?l ]

       a. 特别的,特殊的


       1. This question is of especial importance.


       2. Give my regards to Mary, John and by especial to Grandpa.


       special: [ 'spe?l ]

       n. 专辑,专车

       a. 特别的,专门的


       1. She is a special friend of mine.


       2. Take special care tonight because the road is icy.


       3. This is a special case, deserving special treatment.


       4. Take special care of it.


       5. He takes no special trouble with his work.


       6. Why should we give you special treatment?


       7. There's a special on coffee this week.


       8. Coffee is on special (ie being sold at a lower price than usual) this week.




       1. a special offering (usually temporary and at a reduced price) that is featured in advertising

       2. a dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant

       3. a television production that features a particular person or work or topic


       1. unique or specific to a person or thing or category

       同义词:particular, peculiar

       2. for a special service or occasion

       3. surpassing what is common or usual or expected

       同义词:especial, exceptional, particular

       4. adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose

       5. having a specific function or scope


       6. first and most important


       7. added to a regular schedule

