noble-minded_noble-minded翻译 _noble-minded翻译








       1、For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness. 因此,我常期待在我悲伤的时候,朋友能够过来安慰我,让我低落的精神好起来,或者与我分享我的快乐。

       2、Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for there are always some mean characters who approach you and act as dear friends when you are wealthy or influential, but desert or even betray you the instant you come down in the world or are entrapped by unfortunate things.

       3、 The old saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" has become the teaching and standard for true friends.俗话说“患难朋友才是真正的朋友”。

       4、 So long as a person has a heart of gold, being warm-hearted, selfless, honest, open-minded, but not brutal, cold, shortsighted nor narrow~minded, I am willing to make friends with him or her, give my due support and help, and remain faithful to him or her all my life.

       As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend, for life without friends will be a lonely voyage in the vast dark sea or one in the barren desert. Traly, a friend gives out light and warmth like a lamp. For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness. It is wonderful, too, to feel that someone is standing by me and ready to provide help and encouragement in my pursuit of a noble and glorious cause.

       For millions of years, people have heaped beautiful verses and essays upon friendship. Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for there are always some mean characters who approach you and act as dear friends when you are wealthy or influential, but desert or even betray you the instant you come down in the world or are entrapped by unfortunate things. Therefore, people all attach great importance to the recognition of true friendship. And a faithful friend is considered even more precious than a priceless pearl or a precious stone. The old saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" has become the teaching and standard for true friends.

       Still, it is natural that different people observe different principles in making friends. Some view it important to make friends with whom they may share similar interests or hobbies with. Others are liable to befriend VIPs so as to gain some favors or privileges. And I am of those who think very little of similarity or position or power. So long as a person has a heart of gold, being warm-hearted, selfless, honest, open-minded, but not brutal, cold, shortsighted nor narrow~minded, I am willing to make friends with him or her, give my due support and help, and remain faithful to him or her all my life.


       (a), human life

       Su shi in the six people in the book "affected by personification of description to comment on calligraphy" really, do as lines, grass like walking." "Stand like regular script, running script as" go ", "run like cursive." In his book "in human form further five elements to describe the calligraphy and calligraphy of the five elements, he said:" the book will god, qi, blood, bone, meat, and the fifth is a was revealed." It's like the person "to" the word of an original theory.

       QingRen wang shu shi to supplement the three contents, he said: "if people" word. How do people? "Muscle, bone and flesh and blood, pure, god, gas, pulse, and can prepare eight people". The eight words can make such understanding, word, the blood and flesh, bones, and embodies the basic capability, The word of god, and reflects the chakras, the training quality.

       (2), certificates of externalization ambition

       Word is, people will, taste and pursue. LiuXiZai clear in the art of generalized said: "write, writing ethnography." He taught YanZhenQing zhang xu and the words: "the person Ju masters and good will can?" Saki, a noble, calligraphy, how could do fine?

       Actually, good calligraphy have profound implications, can see the ideas of the author and the interest, and often can be clear at a glance. In the art of ZhangHuai tang said in Cardiff clearly: "good articles to the calligraphy and profound, is to see that its volunteers, tabled intermittently." Careful observation, as from good calligraphy and article, can clearly see the ideas of the author, and interests.

       (3) is the certificate of emotions

       In the han yu tang big astronomers GaoXian sent here in the preface to introduce how to express cursive zhang xu borrowed his thought, have such a words: "embarrassed, sorrow and sadness, anger, regret, loss of yourself, caressing, boring, rough, have moved in heart, how shall send to the cursive." He said, ZhangXuYou what happy things, angry, or embarrassed because of grief sorrow, poor, or joyful idle, resentment, regret, or caressing boring, rough, as long as you have moved in, will be borrowed cursive express. Zhang xu instructions for cursive scripts, always with changeable mood, complicated, with strong feelings.

       (4), certificate of personality

       Wang said: "the pen, zhao feng is all nature." Putting pen to write with or reflect the nature of man. His attitude to this problem is there, he said: "in the book, the man; it is a gentleman will in books, is perilous otherwise." A man is the word can know him personally, even can see is a gentleman or sleeve. He is not fully correct, but said shuppites has close relationship with character, or sense. What the author's character from the word?

       A character is high, the natural elegance. Shuppites. YangShouJing qing said: "the product high is writing." preface Man of noble character, calligraphy affirmation and free from vulgarity.

       Two is pure, calligraphy is natural character. LiBaiYou poem called "king", which is the right army two words: "right, and the Muslim armies." a dusty ZhaoMeng and put it to deduce, became the following two sentence: "right and the Muslim armies, write pentium potential lost." All is a meaning, the first character charm, wang praise and clear, Then he praised his character, works such as ChaoYi comely, bold and unrestrained, masterly. From here, wang and his character of shuppites highly unification.

       The reader is old, write the first lesson. DianShi obtained, write to the poor, and to test will become invalid.

       Beautiful hand writing not only look at yourself, others like the eye. America has a lady violate the traffic rules, and receive a fixed penalty notice. The lady a handwritten letter sent to the local traffic police that the director. The police officer saw so beautiful ShuXieTi, immediately dismissed her fine. This is the style is the man.

       Some writing skills, can write a can, Some people regard is to write for art, strive for perfection, even from a people took the words written personality and character. Write like made the house, should pay attention to layout, collocation, let. But nowadays, it is really tall building, build up the sooner the better. Besides calligrapher and calligraphy lovers, and few people can heart monkish sorts and practicing writing carefreely?




        In the actual operation, we pay special attention to the implementation of process evaluation. Process evaluation is the formative evaluation, which refers to the evaluation of students' daily English learning in the learning process based on teacher evaluation, parental evaluation and mutual evaluation among student groups. It emphasizes people-oriented, in the learning process, attach importance to the students emotional attitudes, language knowledge, learning strategies, team spirit and the overall quality of the training, with incentive, synchronization and so on. According to the requirements of English curriculum evaluation, we encourage students to participate and experience the success of learning through the self-evaluation of team members, group leader evaluation, peer evaluation, teacher evaluation and formative evaluation and final evaluation. Specific implementation has the following three levels:

        First, the group within the assessment of individuals

        Use the "group member evaluation record form", to evaluate the students within the group, each class by the group's recorder is responsible for recording the team members of the award situation. Evaluation of the project can be adjusted in stages with the actual situation of the classroom, if the team evaluation is doing better, but also from four major aspects and 20 small observation points for detailed evaluation, such as forms:

        Second, the group of inter-group

        Use the "group evaluation record form", record the group award situation.Through the unity and cooperation of the team members, work together, in the pre-class show, class cooperation in the exchange of reports display, feedback display part of the award-winning. Note that the number of students with poor learning to be relatively increased, so that students can mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative. Evaluation of the project with the existence of students in the classroom to adjust the actual situation in stages.

        Evaluation of student group cooperation in a class, we can also from the following four aspects of the comprehensive evaluation of the group: First, the state of student activity. Students have a strong interest in self-learning initiative; learning atmosphere, democratic equality and interaction; mutual learning a clear division of labor, students with high enthusiasm and effectiveness. The second is the form of student activities. Students' activities are divided into individual, group, group, and so on, in a variety of forms, observation, thinking, cooperation and organic combination. It can also be used to learn and display the same content in different forms, such as the use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, acting, singing, and communication in a variety of forms of activity. Type can be used to learn and demonstrate the form of dialogue, but also can be compiled into songs, with action or expansion of the form of the sentence than the sentence, so that the rich forms of learning and cultivate the spirit of student innovation. Third, the participation of students. Students participate in a wide range of classroom activities, to participate in all the different content of the show. Fourth, the learning effect of students. Students have the courage to show,

        Emotions, attitudes, values have been developed accordingly. Thinking depth, to reflect the knowledge of the internalization, reorganization and application, and the explicit effect is good.

        Of course, in order to mobilize students to compete in the classroom, the classroom in addition to the use of the above two evaluation methods, teachers can also create a blackboard on the blackboard evaluation column.The evaluation column designs various evaluation items and evaluation dimensions which are beneficial to students' learning and display, and real-time records show the winning situation of each group. Teachers secretly in accordance with a certain order so that the groups have the opportunity to showcase, so that equal opportunity to show winning, if the gap between the larger group, teachers timely adjustment, the basic guarantee of the group's award-winning situation not too much difference, The award-less group loses the chase of confidence. The evaluation items and dimensions of the evaluation board of the blackboard should be adjusted continuously according to the different stages, different performance or different problems of the students, and guide the students to improve their learning methods, strategies and contents so that students can make progress.

        Third, the development of evaluation (ie, evaluation system)

        "Basic Education Curriculum Reform (Trial)" that the establishment of an all-round development of students to evaluate the system. Evaluation not only concerned about the academic performance of students, but also to discover and develop students' potential, to understand the needs of students in the development, help students understand self, build self-confidence.

        Evaluation system is a system of evaluation process, is the synthesis of student process evaluation, the students each time the reward is accumulated, is to record the accumulation of student development process.The implementation of the evaluation system, so that students see their continuous development, progress and improve, it will more stimulate student initiative, so that students receive a steady stream of learning motivation. The evaluation of integrated individual and group awards evaluation evaluation.

        In short, this "bundled" co-demonstration and "bundled" multi-evaluation teaching strategies, to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to stimulate student interest in learning and curiosity, can improve student self-confidence in English learning to make progress.


        Review of the school teaching and research this semester to do the work, I can work at ease, according to the school teaching department to develop research work plan to the new curriculum standards for the basic concept of guidance, from the standard start, purposeful, planned, To carry out curriculum reform experiments to strengthen classroom teaching reform research to promote the promotion of the level of teaching and scientific research continues to improve. This semester mainly done the following work:

        1, with a keen eye to look at their teaching.

        Any great research comes from practice, all based on the study of a large number of facts. Teaching and research is no exception, the actual teaching of education, multi-angle, multi-level research, which is to carry out teaching and research work important basis. Many people are often missing is found.In the actual teaching process, we will encounter a variety of problems, such as school and family society, school management, teaching and learning, new curriculum reform, which are teaching and research object, we can not turn a blind eye, But should use Octavia's vision to examine their own teaching, to observe, discover, solve problems, with the purpose of improving the quality of education and teaching to think, analyze and solve problems.

        2, individual research, case analysis, writing teaching papers

        Usually, I pay attention to the teaching theory of learning, from the side of the actual teaching of education to start, select the appropriate scope or direction of the study, the thematic research, give full play to their strengths and hobbies, strengthen student ability, this semester, The subject research "primary school mathematics stratification exercise experimental research" has made some progress. At the same time, in the daily teaching work

        Teacher teaching research self - evaluation

        , Focus on strengthening the analysis of typical cases, teaching reflection, and actively write teaching papers, so as to improve the depth of teaching and research results, breadth and theoretical level. Write two papers this semester.

        3, solidly carry out the activities of disciplines; to guide the daily teaching of young teachers; lectures, assessment activities

        I can deepen the study of teaching theory, actively participate in the teaching and research activities of the school, solidly carry out the activities of the discipline group once a week; as a backbone teacher, can their valuable experience unreservedly passed on to young teachers to guide their daily teaching Work, although they set foot on the job only a few years, but in my careful guidance, they participated in the activities of young teachers, respectively, lesson activities and awards; I do a good job in their own work at the same time, Of the class more than 20 sections, to promote the growth of young teachers.

        A summary of the work of the comprehensive teaching and research

        The second semester of the xxxx-xxxx school year

        Time flies, full and happy education and teaching work in tension and busy in a semester. This semester under the correct leadership of the school leaders, our comprehensive group of teachers to carry out teaching and research in-depth education reform work, from the students to cultivate the spirit of innovation and practical ability to start to improve the cultural quality and aesthetic ability of students to reform and optimize the classroom teaching process , Improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, better completion of the semester of teaching work.

        This semester, we have a comprehensive teaching and research group to carry out a series of disciplinary activities. We launched the music art, sports evaluation class. Mrs. snow on behalf of the school took part in the county's English quality class selection, and achieved good results.

        1, conscientiously implement the various tasks of conventional teaching

        The whole group of teachers to seriously study and understand the school teaching work plan and the system requirements, implemented in practice. In the routine teaching inspection, lesson plans, preparation of full. The content is complete. Comprehensive group of teachers in the teaching process, infiltration of new ideas, through the new spirit, the use of new methods, each class has new discoveries and new progress. In the review stage, in accordance with the curriculum requirements, carefully developed test program. The whole group of teachers to listen to the task have reached the school requirements.

        2, the introduction of high-quality open class

        This semester we have conducted several open classes, to 40 young people under the age of one per semester a public course. These open classes have been tried again and again, carefully prepared to focus on the collective wisdom of the whole group of teachers, so as to achieve good teaching results, also received peer praise, fully demonstrated our teaching and research group strong overall strength level. Student's personality is fully demonstrated and training, teacher-student interaction, interaction,

        Organizational interaction, environmental interaction, in a limited time, every student has been more adequate exercise and performance opportunities.Classroom is full of mobile sunshine, equality, harmony and communication coexistence, discovery, challenges and meditation in the classroom with no cold dark "dead corner". Thinking of the active, frequency of the flash point, so that students become the real master of the classroom.

        Third, add luster to the school

        Our teaching conditions are bitter, and our dedication is 100%. In addition to education and teaching work, the teaching and research group of this semester also helped the school leaders to do well in various competitions.For example, the county's cultural entertainment, large class activities competitions, science and technology activities. In order to the normal work of the school as a whole, each teacher in the completion of teaching work at the same time, hard working, and strive to complete the task.

        Of course, the entire teaching and research activities also have shortcomings, reflected in the following aspects:

        1, teaching and research activities carried out not solid; our group arranged for teaching and research activities on Friday time, but because we are more complex teaching and research groups, and sometimes too many school affairs, too miscellaneous, and can not guarantee adequate teaching and research time. It is suggested that the school establish the system from the system to ensure the integrity and perfection of the education and teaching research.

        2, teaching and research group teachers are relatively young, the lack of teaching and research experience and professional theoretical guidance, vision is not open, narrow-minded, resulting in not comprehensive view, the idea is not deep enough. To allow teachers to go out, more visits, more learning, broaden their horizons, pioneering ideas.


        Teachers are a very pleasant career, Vietnam will be more in love with their own careers. When the two years of "Kids", this feeling is more and more profound. In 1990, when I walked out of the university gate, confidently boarded the podium, the face of both a pair of pure, eager, trusty eyes, a sense of responsibility arises spontaneously. When I use the patience and love to help children solve problems, so that they can be improved, can grow, I always have a farmer to face good harvest good years, the workers to produce qualified products that Le Zizi, Sweet feeling. I love teachers in this noble profession.

        First, do a high ideological and political teachers

        Since I participated in the work, has been working diligently in the school front line. Love the motherland, love the Chinese Communist Party, support the party's principles, policies, adhere to the four basic principles. Actively participate in political studies, study Marxism-Leninism and build a socialist theory with Chinese characteristics, and comprehensively implement the "three represents" of General Secretary Jiang Zemin and General Secretary Hu Jintao put forward the "adhere to people-oriented, establish a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development concept,Promoting the comprehensive development of economy, society and people ", and conscientiously study the party's theory, principles and policies, and constantly improve the ideological quality, and keep in line with the Party Central Committee on the understanding of the important thinking of the scientific outlook on development and the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the CPC. Conscientiously implement the party's education policy, loyal to the cause of socialist education, peace of mind their work, enthusiastic public service, unity and cooperation, due diligence.

        Mutual respect, mutual respect and respect for parents, care for and love of all students, strict requirements for students, patience to teach, not satire, sarcasm, in fact, the students, not the students do not care about the school, concerned about the collective, Insult, corporal punishment or disguised corporal punishment of students, respect the characteristics of physical and mental development of students and education law. Consciously abide by the "professional ethics of teachers in vocational schools", teaching and educating people, set an example by example, decent style, behave, abide by the law and consciously abide by national laws and regulations, and consciously implement the rules and regulations and safeguard social morality.

        In education and teaching work, consciously abide by all the rules and regulations of the school, subject to work arrangements, complete the school education, teaching workload, and willing to assume the school assigned to other tasks. In education, teaching of the work areas, conscientiously perform their duties duties, a strong sense of responsibility. Conscientiously study business, rigorous and pragmatic; listen with an open mind and improve the work; the courage to forge ahead with innovation, to explore the laws of education, teaching, and constantly improve the level of business.And actively participate in teaching and research, teaching reform, research, and strive to improve their level of scientific research.

        Second, to do a research-based teachers

        I usually pay great attention to the teaching of basic skills training. I earnestly study the concept of modern education and teaching, and strive to study the business, and actively participate in the new curriculum reform, bold practice and innovation. I have taught computer network, computer infrastructure, NOVELL network structures, diskless network structures, FLASH, web design, C language, FOXBASE language, C ++, mechanical basis, mechanical drawing, tolerance and cooperation, chemical engineering, mechanical principle , Especially the computer courses, I am familiar with the teaching materials, grasp the heavy and difficult teaching materials, advanced teaching methods and strong teaching and research ability, the flexibility to create the use of teaching materials, I enthusiastically put into the computer teaching. In 2007, Luo Wei, a student from Hubei Province, won the third prize in the Animation Competition of Hubei Province Secondary Vocational School Student Skills Competition. In the same year, Xiang Weichui and Mei Bikui were awarded the first prize of Beida Jade Bird Web Design Competition. In 2008 by my counseling students Gao Huyou, Chen Xinzhong to participate in Hubei province vocational skills contest animation competition award, student Ding Shengjun to participate in Hubei province vocational skills contest campus network construction competition excellent award. 2008 Hubei Beida Jade Bird Web Design Competition, won the first prize of a; second prize of a; third prize of a; creative award one; three outstanding awards. In 2009, I participated in the Jingzhou City Secondary Vocational School Computer Student Skill Competition and the Hubei Province Trials, which participated in the "Website Construction", "Animation Production" and "Text Entry". A total of nine first prize in the seven and two second prize and the total score of the first group of outstanding achievements. Students and in the same year in Xiaogan to participate in Hubei Province in vocational skills contest students Chu Juan won the second prize in the animation group.

        In the past five years, in order to continuously improve their own quality, I walked into the network, the network has its own QQ space, where I speak freely, wrote a lot of articles about the teacher experience, teachers, students, parents praise . I believe that Xuehai knows no boundaries, teach the boundless, the only ground is the shore it!

        Third, to do a new concept of teachers

        A new round of vocational education reform has been in the city to open in full, I earnestly study the concept of the new curriculum, based on changing the concept of education, combined with their own teaching disciplines, and actively explore effective teaching methods. In the computer network class, I assiduously study, the courage to explore, the knowledge and student life together, the computer teaching and social practice together, and strive to construct an open and dynamic computer teaching classroom, while focusing on student discovery, guidance Students learn to learn


       小器 大方 吝啬 慷慨 随和 固执 善忘 谨慎 无知 者积 外向 内向 乐观 悲观 含蓄 坦率 理智 情绪化 严格 宽松 热血 冷血 眼光远大 眼光浅窄 勇敢 胆小 粗鲁 细心 勤力 懒惰 实际 贪慕虚荣 开朗 沉屈 依赖 柔弱 坚强 客观 主观 决断 优柔寡断 无知 饱历沧桑 自私 得咁多咋 sorry.........

        参考: me

        宽大的;慷慨的 沮丧的

        忧郁的 自夸的;爱自夸的 孩子气的; 男孩似的 聪颖的;机灵的; 欢快的;开朗的;生气勃勃的 有爱心的 低级的

        粗鄙的;虚伪的 兴高采烈的;情绪好的 孩子的;孩子般的;适合孩子的; (2)贬幼稚的;傻气的 好交往的;友善的 好竞争的 有信心的

        自信的 残忍的

        残酷的 骗人的

        欺诈的;虚假的;误导的 怀疑的

        疑惑的 易动情的;感情脆弱的 )精力旺盛的;精神饱满的 (2) 有力的;积极的 表情丰富的 外向的 愚蠢的

        傻的 友好的

        亲切的 挫败的;失意的;泄气的 温和的;和善的

        仁慈的 少女的

        少女似的;女孩子气的 阴郁的;忧郁的 亲切的;和蔼的;殷勤的;慈祥的;仁慈的;体恤的 贪婪的 不狡猾的;诚实的 half-witted=愚笨的 haughty=高傲的


        自大的 headstrong=固执的


        任性的;不受管束的 hollow=虚伪的;空洞的 honest=诚实的;正直的 hypocritical= 伪善的

        虚伪的 humble=谦逊的;谦恭的 idiotic= *** 的 imaginative=有想像力的;富于想像的;有创造力的 immature=(成年人表现得)幼稚的

        不够成熟的 impassive=无感情的 impatient=无耐心的

        不耐烦的;无法忍受的 impulsive= 冲动的;易冲动的;由冲动造成的 insincere=不诚实的;无诚意的 introverted=(性格)内向的;不爱交际的 kind-hearted=仁慈的;好心肠的 lighthearted=轻松愉快的

        无忧无虑的 lively=精力充沛的;活泼的

        轻快的 mature=成熟的; 稳重的;慎重的

        周到的 mean=卑鄙的

        心地不好的 merciful=仁慈的;慈悲的;宽容的 miserable= (1)痛苦的;不幸的 (2) 凄惨的;悲哀的 (3) 卑鄙的;讨厌的 (4) 粗劣的 miserly=吝啬的;贪婪的 moody=心情不稳的

        喜怒无常的 naive=天真的;幼稚的 negative=反面的;消极的 noble=高贵的


        崇高的 open-minded=心胸宽的


        无偏见的 outgoing=外向 patient=有耐心的


        能容忍的 positive=积极的

        建设性的 possessive=占有欲强的 傲慢的

        自负的 审慎的

        小心的 喜欢争吵的;动辄吵架的 容光焕发的 松懈的;放松的 残酷的

        无情的 沉默寡言的;缄默的;含蓄的;冷淡的 自私的

        利己主义的;只顾自己的 无知的;愚蠢的

        笨的 神经过敏的;易怒的; 敏感的;易受伤害的 怕羞的


        多疑的 吝啬的

        小气的 冷酷的

        无情的;没有表情的 倔强的

        顽固的 支持的猜疑的

        疑心的;多疑的 同情的;有同情心的 tender=温柔的

        体贴的; 脆弱的


        参考: me

       Noble-One Carter A-259









       身高:208.3 厘米

       体重:113.4 公斤



       Noble-Two Catherine B-320




       作战单位:特殊作战部 / 3组 / 贵族小队





       身高:205.7 厘米

       体重:97.5 公斤




       Noble-Three Jun A-266




       作战单位:特殊作战部 / 3组 /贵族小队





       身高:210.5 厘米

       体重:111.1 公斤



       Noble-Four Emile A-239




       作战单位:特殊作战部 / 第3组 /贵族小队





       身高:210.5 厘米

       体重:111.1 公斤



       Noble-Five Jorge 052



       服役编号:S-052 (与S-117同期)

       作战单位:特殊作战部 / 第3组 /贵族小队





       身高:223.5 厘米

       体重:145.2 公斤



       Noble-Six 无名中尉




       作战单位:特殊作战部 / 第3组 / 贵族小队







       A.I. Auntie Dot:为Noble小队之人工智能。


       Cortana:第3代人工智能,以Halsey的复制人的脑部创造出来,所以无论外貌、声线、性格,都和博士相当接近,于人类和星盟的战争中和士官长John-117、神风烈士Thel 'Vadam均为举足轻重的角色。

       Keyes舰长:秋风之墩号的舰长,为海军中最出色的战术家之一,于04特区一役中被虫族感染身亡。 值得一提的是,一个疑似为士官长John-117(“疑似”是因为有另一名昏迷的战士Linda-058也在战舰上,而Bungie仍未确认其为士官长)的超级战士出现在结尾动画中,玩家能够在运兵船进入秋风之墩号的时候把右摇杆向右就能看到。
