step bus_step busy

       大家好,我是小编,今天我要和大家分享一下关于step bus的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我将这个问题进行了归纳整理,现在就一起来看看吧。


2.out of the crowded bus





step bus_step busy


       踏板英语:pedal,英?[?pedl]。相似短语:on foot步行,在进行中、at the foot of在...之底部、foot it步行,徒步、at foot在附近(小牲口)紧随母畜、foot to foot短兵相接。

       foot by foot一步一步地,逐渐、foot up to总计,累计、pull foot?v.逃跑、cape foot南非尺、embryonic foot胚足。



       At the precise moment that l put my foot on the step, the bus started.


       one who rides a pedal-driven vehicle, such as a bicycle.


       My feet can hardly reach the pedals.4.


       The pedals of a cycle are attached to a crank.

out of the crowded bus

















       e on

       英 [k?m ?n] 美 [k?m ɑn]?





       2、 Be quick

       英 [bi: kwik] 美 [bi kw?k]?





       3、 look alive

       英 [luk ?laiv] 美 [l?k ?la?v]?





       4、Step on it!

       英 [step ?n it] 美 [st?p ɑn ?t]?





       5、Speed up!






       Our train will arrive at Beijing Railway Station at 18:27.


       Our restaurant opens at 6:00pm for supper.


       Our next stop will be Lanzhou Station.Please prepare yourself for getting off the train.


       The destination will be reached in about twenty minutes.


       Our train currently travels at 90 kilometres an hour.


       The restaurant is No 8 carriage in the middle of the train.


       The toilets are available only when the train is travelling.

       The bus system and train system are really good.


        A So the traffic situation in London is a little better than in Beijing?

        A 这么说伦敦的交通比北京的状况要好一些了?

        B Yes, it is better. London has a bigger underground, or metro system.

        B 是的,好一些。伦敦的地铁系统要大一些。

        A That must help. Less people in cars.

        A 那会缓解交通问题。开车的人少了。

        B Yes. And the bus system and train system are really good.

        B 是的。公共交通系统和铁路系统非常发达。

        A So I guess you have fewer cars, less traffic . . . and less pollution than Beijing.

        A 所以我想你们的私家车少,车辆少…污染比北京小。

        B Yes. I think Beijing needs more buses, trains and metro trains.

        B 是的。我想北京需要更多的公共汽车、火车和地铁。

        Notes 注释

        1 Remember you can use comparative adjectives to compare things, e.g. The traffic situation is better in London than in Beijing. / The traffic situation is better in London than in Beijing; London has a bigger metro system. / London has a bigger metro system; You have fewer cars, less traffic and less pollution. / You have fewer cars, less traffic and less pollution.

        记住你怎样用形容词的比较级比较不同的事物,例如:The traffic situation is better in London than Beijing /伦敦的交通状况要比北京好一些; London has a bigger metro system. /伦敦的地铁系统要大一些; You have fewer cars, less traffic and less pollution. /你们的私家车少,车辆少,污染小。

        2 When you want to describe a need, use need/need or needs/needs, e.g. Beijing needs more buses and trains. / Beijing needs more buses and trains.

        当你想描述某种需要时,用need/需要 或者 needs/需要,例如:Beijing needs more buses and trains. /北京需要更多的公共汽车和火车。


       elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路

       mine railway 矿区铁路

       funicular (railway) 缆索铁路,登山铁路

       light railway line 轻便铁道

       urban railway 市区铁路

       railway network 铁路网

       railway transport 铁路运输

       trial run 试车

       open to traffic 通车

       porter 搬运工人

       ticket inspector 查票员

       ticket 车票

       single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票

       return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票

       platform ticket 站台票

       railway station 车站

       station hall 车站大厅

       information desk 服务台

       waiting room 候车室

       passenger station 客车站

       time-table 时刻表

       arrival time-table 到站时刻表

       departure time-table 发车时刻表

       ticket-collector, gateman 收票员

       ticket office, booking office 售票处

       junction 枢纽站

       rail and water terminal 水陆联运站

       platform bridge 天桥

       luggage barrow 推行李车

       enquiry office, information desk 问讯处

       way station 小站

       label 行李标签

       luggage office 行李房

       left-luggage office 行李暂存处

       platform-ticket 验票口

       barrier 栅栏门

       platform 站台

       (electric) platform truck 站台车

       platform tunnel 站台地道

       platform roofing 站台顶棚

       station-master 站长

       terminal; terminus 终点站

       escalator 自动扶梯

       The train leaves the station at..., The train is due out at... 火车在(某时)离站

       to have one's ticket punched (给检票员)检票

       10 minutes behind schedule 晚点十分钟

       to change trains at... 在(某地)换车

       The train is due at... 在(某时)到达

       to break the journey 中途下车

       dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车

       pantry 餐车食品室

       open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞车

       carriage, coach, car 车厢

       roof 车顶

       concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷

       step; foot board (车厢门口的)踏板

       gangway (车厢的)通道

       lidded ashtray 带盖烟灰盒

       tank wagon 罐车

       mixed train 混合列车

       freight train, goods train 货物列车

       engine, locomotive 机车

       window seat 靠窗座位

       coach, passenger train 客车

       express train, express 快车

       refrigerator wagon 冷藏车

       car attendant; train attendant 列车员

       guard, conductor 列车长

       slow train, way train 慢车

       covered wagon van, box car 棚车

       ordinary train 普通列车

       sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车

       up train 上行车

       livestock wagon 牲畜车

       sleeping car, sleeper 卧车

       down train 下行车

       luggage van, baggage car 行李车

       rack, baggage rack 行李架

       sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车

       ordinary seat 硬席

       carriage with semicushioned seats 硬座车

       mail car 邮政车

       mail and luggage van 邮政行李车

       through train 直达车

       special train 专车

       pointsman, switchman 道岔工人

       signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号

       semaphore signal, home signal 臂板信号

       warehouse 仓库

       siding, sidetrack 侧线,旁轨

       turnout 岔道

       weighing machine 秤重机

       derailing (火车)出轨

       single line (track) rail 单线

       points, switches 道岔

       switch lock, point lock 道岔锁

       wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)

       marshalling yard, shunting yard 调车场

       dispatching 调度

       dispatcher 调度员

       crossover 渡线,转线轨道

       rail 钢轨

       track 轨道

       sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕

       rail chair 轨座

       buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩

       goods shed, freight depot 货棚

       goods station 货运站,货站

       container 集装箱

       locomotive (engine) shed 机车库

       station warning sign 进站预告标

       clearance 净空

       (signal) gantry (铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥

       barrier (道口)拦路木

       section 路段

       reduce speed sign(al) 慢行标志(信号)

       bell and whistle sign, whistle sign 鸣笛预告标

       platform car, flat car 平车

       grade crossing, level crossing (道路与铁路的)平面交叉

       track-laying machine, tracklayer 铺轨机

       double line (track) rail 双线

       volume of railway freight 铁路货运量

       railway connections 铁路交叉点,铁路联络线

       railway warning sign 铁路警告标志

       railway clearance 铁路净空

       railroad bed 铁路路基

       railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)

       railway tunnel 铁路隧道

       railway line, railroad line 铁路线

       stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号)

       danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号)

       unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口

       signal light (lamp) 信号灯

       signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房

       signalman 信号员

       wing rail (of frog) 翼轨

       distant signal, disk signal, target 圆盘信号机

       back-turning section 折返段

       frog 辙叉,岔心

       turn-table 车台,旋车盘

       point (box), switch (box) 转辙器

       switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号


       今天关于“step bus”的探讨就到这里了。希望大家能够更深入地了解“step bus”,并从我的答案中找到一些灵感。